Author: Leman, Dr. Kevin
Brand: Fleming H. Revell Company
Number Of Pages: 288
Details: Creating a happy, lifelong marriage is about much more than physical compatibility. It's about a lifestyle of 24-7 intimacy that bonds couples in a mutually satisfying relationship. In The Intimate Connection, bestselling marriage expert Dr. Kevin Leman explores key secrets to the love life couples crave. He helps readers - understand each other's needs, backgrounds, and personalities (and how those factors influence every marital interaction) - talk so their spouse really listens - turn negative game-playing into positive behaviors that help couples grow closer - create deep, long-lasting intimacy that's divorce-proof Whether couples are new to marriage or have been married a long time, Dr. Leman's time-tested strategies will create the kind of exciting intimacy, mutual respect, and fulfilling communication that will keep husbands and wives in each other's arms for a lifetime.
EAN: 9780800734947
Languages: English
Binding: Paperback
Item Condition: New