Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age (The Gospel Coalition)

Product Description

Author: Cutillo MD, Bob

Brand: Crossway

Number Of Pages: 208

PartNumber: 086257

Release Date: 30-09-2016

Details: A Redeemed and Renewed Vision of Health Despite all the care available to us, our society is more concerned about health than ever. Increased technology and access to health care give us the illusion of control but can never deliver us from the limitations of our bodies. But what if our health is a gift to nurture, rather than a possession to protect? Drawing from decades of medical experience in many different contexts, Dr. Bob Cutillo helps us cultivate a biblical understanding of the relationship between faith and health in the modern age, reorienting us to a wiser pursuit of health for the good of all. Weaving in his own story of serving the most vulnerable, he leads us to a bigger view of health care and a hope that is more secure than our physical wellness―hope with the power to transform our communities. Published in partnership with the Gospel Coalition.

EAN: 9781433551109

Model: 086257

Languages: English

Binding: Paperback

Item Condition: New

$ 11.93